People often wonder what causes mental disorders and why some people are affected while others are not. Even though the real causes of many mental illnesses are not known, it is being discovered via extensive research, that most of these illnesses are brought upon by a mixture of psychological, biological, and environmental elements.
Biological Elements
A number of mental disorders have been connected to an abnormal operation of nerve cell circulation or pathways that link specific brain areas. Nerve cells that lie around these brain circuits connect through chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Twisting the chemicals — through psychotherapy, medications, or other medical subroutines — can help brain circuits operate more effectively. As well, deficiencies in or damage to particular regions of the brain have been connected to some mental illnesses.
Heredity: Mental illnesses occasionally run in families, bringing the idea that individuals with a family member that has a mental condition might be somehow more likely to develop one themselves. For example, disorders like ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and even Depression are now believed to be transferred via the genes. Professionals believe that a large number of mental sicknesses are connected to abnormalities in a large number of genes rather than only one or a few, and that the way these genes act closely together depends on the individual . This is the reason why some individuals inherit predisposition to a mental sickness and don’t actually develop the condition. Mental disorder itself takes place from the mutual influence of genes and external elements – like abuse, stress, or a traumatic occurrence – which can trigger a sickness in an individual who has a predisposition to it.
Infections: Particular infections have been connected to brain injury and the growth of mental disorder or the severity of its signs. For instance, an illness referred to as Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric, combined with the Streptococcus bacteria, has been connected to the development of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and some other mental disorders among children.
Brain damage or defects: Damage or defects into particular regions of the brain have as well been connected to other mental sicknesses.
Prenatal injuries: Certain research studies show that an interference with early fetal brain growth that takes place before or at the time of delivery — for instance, lack of oxygen supplied to the brain — might be a factor in the growth of particular illnesses, such as Autism.
Drug abuse: Lengthy drug abuse, in general, has been connected to depression, anxiety, and paranoia.
Other elements, such as exposure to poisons and poor nutrition, might be some of the contributors in the development of mental conditions.
Psychological Elements
Intense psychological trauma undergone at an early age e.g. physical, emotional, or sexual abuse:
- A vital early loss, such as the loss of a parent or sibling
- Neglect by parents
- Inability to associate with others
Environmental Elements
Unspecified experiences can give rise to a condition in an individual who is susceptible to mental sickness. These experiences involve:
- Divorce or death
- A disturbing family life
- Feelings of inadequacy,
- low self-esteem, anger, anxiety, or loneliness
- Changing schools or jobs
- Cultural or social expectations