Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms can have major effects on your daily life. In a number of situations, the symptoms grow in the first month after a traumatic occurrence. Nevertheless, in very few cases, there can be a delay for  a period of time before symptoms begin to show.

Many people with PTSD go through  lengthy periods when their symptoms are less noticeable, followed by significant deterioration. Some people have symptoms that are very severe from the start.

The particular symptoms of PTSD can range expansively among people, but they can be categorized as below:

Emotional Numbing And Avoidance

Signs of emotional Numbing and avoidance may involve:

  • Attempting to refrain from talking or thinking about the traumatic happening
  • Keeping away from activities they once loved
  • Feeling numb emotionally
  • Problems with memory
  • Being hopeless about the future
  • Having hard time maintaining relationships that are close
  • Trouble concentrating

When the victim tries to refrain from being reminded of the traumatic happenings, is major sign of PTSD. This normally refers to avoiding contact with some particular people or places that spark a reminder of the trauma.

Most victims of PTSD will attempt to erase memories of the event  out of their mind, continuously keeping themselves busy with hobbies or work.

Other people try to face their feelings by refusing not to have any feelings at all. This is referred to as emotional numbing. This, in most cases, leads to the individual becoming withdrawn and isolated, and they can also give up going after their favorite activities.


This is the most common sign of PTSD. This takes place when an individual vividly and involuntarily keeps on remembering the traumatic occasion in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, or distressing and repetitive sensations or images. This may even involve sensations that are physical like sweating, pain, and trembling.

Other people  will have negative thoughts that are constant on their experience, repeatedly questioning themselves hence keeping them from coming to an understanding with the particular event. For instance, they may be curious as to why the activity befallen them and if they had other options that could stop it, and this may lead to feelings of shame or guilt.

Hyper Arousal

Signs of anxiety and growing emotional arousal may involve:

  • Anger or irritability
  • Shame or overwhelming guilt
  • Self-destructive behavior, like drinking excessively
  • Difficulties when sleeping
  • Being easily frightened or startled
  • Seeing or hearing things that don’t exist

A person suffering from  PTSD can be so worried and find it hard to be relaxed. They can be easily startled and constantly be cognizant of threats. This state of mind is well referred to as hyper arousal. This effect, most of the time, results in angry outbursts, irritability, sleeping difficulties, and failure  to concentrate.

Additional Problems

A number of individuals with PTSD also  posses many other problems, among them:

  • Dizziness, headaches, stomach aches, and chest pains
  • Anxiety, depression, and phobias
  • Alcohol misuse or drug misuse

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder sometimes results in  work-related issues and relationships breaking down.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder In Children

Children that have been affected with this condition can have the same signs as adults, like having sleeping difficulties and nightmares that are upsetting.

Children with PTSD, the same as adults, may as well lose concentration to activities that they used to love, and they may have signs that are physical like stomach aches and headaches. Nevertheless, there are other signs that are specifically attached to children with PTSD, these are:

  • Being worried about being detached from an adult or a parent
  • Bedwetting
  • Acting out the traumatic happening through their play


When To Seek Medical Attention

It is quite usual to experience confusing and upsetting thoughts after an event that is traumatic, but in a number of people, these will ameliorate typically over a few days or weeks.

It is advisable to check on your GP if you or your child is still having issues about thirty days after the tragic experience, or if the signs are specifically troublesome.

Your GP will need to know your symptoms and discuss them with you in details. They may inquire if you have been through a traumatic occurrence, either in the present or past, and if you have remembered the event through nightmares or flashbacks.

Your particular GP can refer you to specialists who deal with mental health if the need arises.

